How to write HTML code in posts

How to write HTML code in posts

Write HTML code on blogger sometimes often upsetting. Often the code that we want the result does not fit or did not even appear. That also I have ever experienced. At that time I thought the code may inadvertently erased.

Then I repeat again. But the result remains the same. Out of curiosity I finally find the information through google. Through the blog I found some information, post entries found in the pages HTML code can not be written in the usual manner. For example if you write the code </span>, then the post pages will not show anything. Or if any writing that appears, then the shape is not even so erratic. So how do I write?

Now how do I apply? For example, if you want to display the code like this <span class ="fullpost"> then you must write

It should be noted for writing in it remains written in the usual manner. That was changed only the code only, ie the sign < > & " and one more if there are spaces.

If the code long enough, you probably do not edit the code one by one. The solution, open site. There is provided a column to turn the HTML code you want. It looks like this:

Type the HTML code on that column in the normal way, or copy and paste directly from an existing draft at your office programs. Then click Encode to change it, then in a flash your HTML code will be transformed to be like below. Next, you must copy and paste the code into your post entry page.

For the record if there are doubts whether the writing had been correct HTML code and you want to fix it, then you can revert to the original form, by clicking on Decode. And vice versa. You can come back again with click Encode button. And so on. If you want to linger, you can go back and forth on how you want.

Good luck!

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